Galvezia speciosa Firecracker - Island Snapdragon
The Island Snapdragon is a Channel Island native that grows well in the shade of oaks and other large trees in inland valleys and direct sun near the coast. Galvezia speciosa has slender red flowers that attract hummingbirds. Once established the Island Snapdragon needs little additional water. I have grown Galvezia speciosa in rather dark conditions and it will still bloom but is rather leggy. The cultivar Galvezia speciosa Firecracker is more compact. Galvezia speciosa will have foliage damage when temparatures dip below 20° F. The genus has been changed to Gambellia but the nurseries are still mostly selling the plants as Galvezia. Galvezia speciosa is a potential larval food source for the Common Buckeye Butterfly and nectar for California Common Ringlet, and could be a nice addition to your butterfly garden.
Red flowers and foliage of Galvezia speciosa Firecracker - Island Snapdragon. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Red flowers of Galvezia speciosa Firecracker - Island Snapdragon. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.