Begonia Richmondensis * Richmond Begonia
Begonia richmondensis may be the hardiest begonia in the garden. It is likely the most frequently used. I have seen Begonia Richmondensis used as an accent or even as a low hedge in full sun in coastal communities. I grow this begonia in light to dark shade in almost any kind of soil. I have seen it growing in full sun in Santa Barbara and along the immediate coast elsewhere. While Begonia richmondensis looks better with regular water it will survive a summer sporadic irrigation. Begonia Richmondensis will grow to 18" tall and wide. The pink flowers are up to an inch across. Begonia richmondensis will be tender in the inland valleys if there is much frost. Given a shady location it will do quite well if given protection or grown in a warm winter location. When life gets rough a shearing to near the ground often goes well for Begonia richmondensis, though by this time some of the plants in that low hedge might have given up. Begonia richmondensis is easy to start, plug a small piece in the ground or potting soil and start watering, they often take.
Flowers and foliage of Begonia richmondensis.
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