Begonia Ramirez ~ Ramirez Begonia
Begonia Ramirez is grown more for the foliage than for the flowers, though both the richly colorful foliage and white flowers are beautiful. The Ramirez begonia will grow about 3 feet tall and wide. The foliage is spectacular backlit with all of its glistening hairs. With such a strong foliage color this works spectacularly as a specimen plant. Begonia Ramirez will be damaged by temperatures that dip into the 20's and killed in the mid-20°'s. Begonia Ramirez will tolerate more sun than most of the other begonias. I have planted this begonia in nearly Full Sun near the coast. Irrigate Begonia Ramirez at the base as water on the leaves can cause mildew.
Flowers and foliage of Begonia Ramirez. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
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