Western Lynx Spider - Oxyopes scalaris
This Westen Lynx Spider looks pretty ferocious but is only half an inch long. They hunt with their eyes and these spiders have prominant forward facing eyes. These spiders do not catch their prey with a web but pounce on them instead. I am fascinated by the eyes of spiders, particularly the hunting spiders. They have very good vision compared to insects. The eyes are looking forward. If you look at the eyes of a fly or bee they are on the sides of the head. The spider was not at all aggressive to me but maybe a little worried when I chased it back to the top of the leaf with my finger to take this photo. The Lynx Spiders will often hang upside down and are sometimes referred to as upside down jumping spiders. I am impressed with the fuzzy pedipalps, kind of like boxing gloves. If you are interested in more Lynx Spiders, Check out this Green Lynx Spider
This spider had been cleaning the aphids off my roses. This is a single leaflet, one of 5, Western Lynx Spider - Oxyopes scalaris. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.