Viburnum macrocephalum - Chinese Snowball Viburnum
Viburnum macrocephalum grows to 15 feet tall and can be trained as a shrub or small tree. The Chinese Snowball Viburnum has a long history in China. Viburnum macrocephalum grows in full sun to light shade. Plants need some wind protection. Viburnum macrocephalum blooms with round balls of white flowers in late Spring. Viburnum macrocephalum prefers regular water but is pretty thrifty if it has to be. Viburnum macrocephalum is deciduous. The white flowers attract butterflies and the dark seeds attract birds. Viburnum macrocephalum is winter hardy to below 0° F.
White flowers and foliage of Viburnum tinus compactum - Arrowwood. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.