Venegasia carpesioides - Canyon Sunflower
Venegasia carpesioides is found in the oak woodlands and stream banks, not too far from shade, moisture, and the coast. With its lush green growth it can visually cool a section of the garden. Canyon Sunflower will take a summer drought but looks miserable often dieing back to the ground. With the addition of just a little water the Canyon Sunflower will bloom all year. A 20° F cold snap burnt the Canyon Sunflower back but it recovered completely. As long as Venegasia carpesioides is growing it is blooming with yellow flowers, the primary blooming periods are spring and the cool portion of the late Fall and early Winter. Venegasia carpesioides is a nice addition to the Butterfly Garden where it attracts the White Checkered Skipper, Painted Lady, Northern White Skipper, Mormon Metalmark, Great Purple Hairstreak, and Variable Checkerspot Butterflies.
Lush green foliage and yellow flower - Venegasia carpesioides - Canyon Sunflower. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Lush green foliage and yellow flower - Venegasia carpesioides - Canyon Sunflower. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.