Tibouchina urvilleana - Princess Plant
Tibouchina urvilleana blooms almost constantly through the spring to frost. With the large two inch passionately purple flowers and felt-like leaves this Princess Plant is an attention grabber. Princess Plant goes winter deciduous for me even in frost free locations. I cut Tibouchina urvilleana back at during the Winter to pencil sized wood as most of the smaller branches die anyway. Tibouchina urvilleana is a coastal gem. The Princess Plant also thrives in the banana belts of the inland valleys if they are well enough protected. Heat and humidity are both helpful for Tibouchina urvilleana. The Princess Plant dies back if temperatures drop into the 20°s and way back in the low 20°s F. Unfortunately the recovery from the cold is miserably slow. The biggest Princess Plant that I have seen is 12' tall and wide. Tibouchina urvilleana prefers loamy well mulched soil. The Silver Leaf Princess Plant, Tibouchina heteromalla has smaller flowers but more of them, both plants have similar colored flowers.
Brilliant purple flowers of - Tibouchina urvilleana - Princess Plant. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
High resolution photos of are part of our garden image collection.