Tetraneuris acaulis - Angelita Daisy, Stemless Four Nerve Daisy
Tetraneuris acaulis is native to our Eastern Deserts and the Southwest. The Angelita Daisy grows to about a foot tall, flowers included. The grasslike green foliage is attractive, especially if the spent flowers have been removed. Tetraneuris acaulis with its fragrant yellow flowers blooms throughout the year. Tetraneuris acaulis is quite drought tolerant Tetraneuris acaulis attracts the Monarch, Common Buckeye, Painted Lady, Cloudless Sulfur, White Checkered Skipper, Northern White Skipper, California Common Ringlet, Mormon Metalmark, Great Purple Hairstreak, and Spring Azure Butterflies.
Yellow flowers of Tetraneuris acaulis commonly known as Angelita Daisy or Stemless Four Nerve Daisy. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.