Sisyrinchium striatum - Satin Flower, Rush Lily
Sisyrinchium striatum is garden hardy. The Satin Flower can become a bit of a pest. Sisyrinchium striatum blooms with yellow flowers in the Spring. Sisyrinchium striatum is prolific from seed, especially if there is a wet spot near the planting. The Rush Lily can grow to a little more than a foot tall. The clump will gradually spread each season and leap a bit with new seedlings. Sisyrinchium striatum will grow throughout the state in light shade to full sun. All that is required is water.
Pale yellow flowers of Sisyrinchium striatum - Satin Flower, Rush Lily. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants in the genus Sisyrinchium featured on this site:
Sisyrinchium bellum * Blue Eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium bellum Rocky Point * Rocky Point Blue Eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium californicum * Yellow Eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium striatum * Satin Flower, Rush Lily
Sisyrinchium Aunt May * Variegated Satin Flower