Russelia equisetiformis aurea - Yellow Firecracker Plant
Russelia equisetiformis aurea is nearly a constant bloomer though the yellow flowered plants are weaker bloomers than the red. I have found that the Yellow Firecracker Plant grows well even when the garden is watered lightly. The first time I saw the Firecracker Plant was on a slope in Hawaii. It seemed like the whole slope was covered in this one weeping plant. The stems of Russelia equisetiformis aurea can grow to 3 feet but generally tip over and the plants don't reach much more than 2 feet tall unless they have other plants for support. Yellow Firecracker Plant grows best in a semi shaded location and performs well with a regular source of water. The plants will tolerate a sunny exposure in coastal communities. The foliage looks much like the species namesake Equisetum. Russelia equisetiformis aurea has reduced leaves and mostly looks like stalks with flowers. Plants are hardy into the mid to low 20°s F. I first purchased this plant tagged Russelia equisetiformis Night Lights Lemon, but have since purchased it as Russelia equisetiformis lutea, and Russelia equisetiformis aurea. I believe these all to be the same plant. The red and coral varieties may be stonger bloomers but . . . . Russelia equisetiformis aurea holds its own with a long season and is worth growing to light up a dark part of the garden after hours.
Creamy Yellow flowers of Russelia equisetiformis aurea - Yellow Firecracker Plant. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.