Psoralea pinnata - African Scurfpea
The African Scurfpea is a fast growing shrub with a great show of fragrant purple blue pea flowers Spring into Summer. Psoralea pinnata is frost tender if temperatures drop much below 28. Psoralea pinnata will grow best in moderately well drained soils but will survive in heavy soils if summer water is used sparingly. The African Scurfpea can grow to 10 feet but usually tops out at 6-8 feet. I like the dense foliage and use this plant in a mixed border, Psoralea pinnata contrasts well with the blue flowers of Arroyo Lupine. Older branches on the inside die off and need to be removed to keep Psoralea pinnata looking its best.
Blue flowers of Psoralea pinnata - African Scurfpea. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.