Leptosyne bigelovii * Bigelow's Coreopsis, Desert Coreopsis
Leptosyne bigelovii long known as Coreopsis bigelovii is an annual wildflower whose range covers much of Southern California. Leptosyne bigelovii grows in the interior coast ranges, Tehachapi's and Southern Sierras and extends into the Mojave. Leptosyne bigelovii goes by the common names of Bigelow's Coreopsis and Desert Coreopsis. Leptosyne bigelovii grows to a foot or so tall and blooms with yellow flowers from late Winter deep into Spring. Leptosyne bigelovii prefers full sun exposure. Leptosyne bigelovii is a dependable plant from seed for your wildflower garden. Leptosyne bigelovii is a fine addition to the Butterfly Garden attracting the Painted Lady Butterfly, California Common Ringlet, Mormon Metalmark, Hedgerow Hairstreak, Great Purple Hairstreak, Gray Hairstreak, Northern White Skipper, and the White Checkered Skipper
Yellow ray flowers with darker yellow cone flowers in the center Leptosyne bigelovii - Bigelow Coreopsis, Desert Coreopsis. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Companion plants from seed to mix with Layia platyglossa featured on this site:
Escscholzia californica
Lasthenia californica
Lupinus succulentus
Ratibida columnifera