Grindelia stricta ~ Coastal Gumweed, Coastal Gumplant
Grindelia stricta grows in beach areas and into the Coastal Sage Scrub community from the Channel Islands north to Alaska. Grindelia stricta is noted for the sticky gum that covers the stems and yellow flowers. Coastal Gumweed is tolerant of coastal conditions growing around marshes and dunes. Grindelia camporum is drought tolerant growing in full sun to north facing exposed locations. Grindelia camporum grows about 1 foot tall and spreads. Grindelia stricta attracts White Checkered Skipper, Monarch, Common Buckeye, Hedgerow Hairstreak, Great Purple Hairstreak, Painted Lady, Cloudless Sulfur, California Common Ringlet, and Mormon Metalmark Butterflies.
Yellow flowers of Grindelia stricta known as Coastal Gumweed, Coastal Gumplant. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.