Gaillardia aristata Arizona Apricot - Yellow Blanketflower
Gaillardia aristata Arizona Apricot brings a pastel palate to the Blanket Flowers. Gaillardia Arizona Apricot grows to a foot tall and twice as wide. There are lots of yellow flowers and the plants can bloom for a long time, often starting mid to late Spring and lasting well into Fall. There will be many more blooms if you have the patience to trim off all of the dead flowers. Gaillardia aristata is native to montane meadows in the Rockies from Canada south to Utah and the Dakotas. Gaillardia aristata will get by on a pretty low water diet. It does need some. Other Gaillardia varieties that are in this color range include African Sunset, Gallo Peach, Mesa Peach, Oranges and Lemons and Yellow Queen. Gaillardia aristata Arizona Apricot is hardy to zone 3, far colder than we are likely to see in California. Butterflies and hummingbirds will both stop by for a sip of nectar. The Painted Lady Butterfly, Great Purple Hairstreak, California Common Ringlet, Mormon Metalmark, Northern White Skipper, and White Checkered Skipper are common visitors.
Orange flowers of Gaillardia aristata Arizona Apricot - Blanketflower. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Other plants from the Gaillardia Genus featured on this site:
Gaillardia grandiflora