Fuchsia thymifolia variegata - Variegated Thyme Leafed Fuchsia
Fuchsia thymifolia variegata prefers a well watered shady garden. The fine texture makes this variegated fuchsia an excellent choice for an intimate space. This Fuchsia thymifolia variegata produces a wealth of tiny magenta red flowers almost continuously in the coastal garden. Fuchsia thymifolia variegata requires reasonable drainage and will tolerate a surprising amount of sun near the coast.
Other plants from the Fuchsia Genus featured on this site:
Fuchsia arborescens * Tree Fuchsia
Fuchsia corymbiflora * Peruvian Berry Bush
Fuchsia Gartenmeister Bonstedt
Fuchsia thymifolia * Thyme Leafed Fuchsia