Dyckia fosteriana with Allens Hummingbirds
Dyckia fosteriana is a terestrial bromeliad from Brazil. The deep burgundy red toothy leaves can be a little wicked. The flowers are spectacular and the Allen's Hummingbirds think so too. Dyckia fosteriana produces pups each year and eventually will form a clump 2 feet tall and 4 or more feet wide. Dyckia fosteriana flowers start to bloom in early Spring with stalks that elongate into early Summer. The flowers bloom in a few inches near the top. There is a corner of the Cactus Garden at the Huntington Garden where Dyckia fosteriana grows and photographers and hummingbirds both gather. Dyckia fosteriana is now available with a stunning array of hybrids. All are great for the hummingbirds. Dyckia fosteriana is not too particular about sunlight or soil type, though it is possible to overwater them. Dyckia fosteriana is Winter hardy into the mid teens.
Flowers of Dyckia fosteriana visited by an Allen's Hummingbird. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Flowers and spiky foliage of Dyckia fosteriana. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Drought tolerant terrestrial Bromeliads featured on this site:
Deuterocohnia brevifolia
Dyckia fosteriana
Puya alpestris
Puya venusta