Salvia maraschino - Cherry Sage
Salvia maraschino is the result of a cross between Salvia microphylla and Salvia greggii. And Salvia maraschino has gotten somoe of the best characteristics of each. Salvia greggii is brittle, Salvia microphylla is too big and sprawling for many gardens. Salvia maraschino is compact, growing 2 feet tall and 3 wide. The leaves are fine textured like Salvia greggii and Salvia maraschino blooms like a mad thing. Salvia maraschino is a great addition to both the Butterfly Garden as well as the Hummingbird Garden. Salvia maraschino appreciates a Winter shearing, I cut the plants to about half size. Salvia maraschino was not at all bothered when garden dipped into the low teens.
Flowers and foliage of Salvia maraschino, Cherry Sage. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.