Salvia greggii La Playa Rosa - Pink Beach Autumn Sage
Salvia greggii La Playa Rosa the Pink Beach Autumn Sage is a spectacular two tone pink free flowering shrub. Salvia greggii La Playa Rosa brings in both the hummingbirds and butterflies as pollinators. Salvia greggii La Playa Rosa is a great choice for both the Hummingbird Garden as well as the Butterfly Garden. Salvia greggii La Playa Rosa is almost always in bloom except just after I prune it back to half its size in the depths of Winter. Salvia greggii La Playa Rosa responds well to a forced dormancy dictated by a hard winter pruning. Salvia greggii La Playa Rosa grows 3 feet or so tall and wide. Salvia greggii is a parent of a large group of hybrid sages sometimes referred to as Salvia X jamensis. There is enough confusion about Salvia greggii names with so many hybrids, but some nurseries add to this confusion by giving off-names to avoid copyright fees. I believe this plant is also called Salvia Delicata, or Salvia Delicada by some. Salvia greggii La Playa Rosa prefers well drained soil and can withstand ample drought once established. Salvia greggii La Playa Rosa prefers full sun. If planted in heavier soils raise the root crown above the surrounding grade. Salvia greggii La Playa Rosa is Winter hardy to all but the coldest high mountain parts of California.
High resolution photos of Salvia greggii Playa Rosa, Pink Beach Autumn Sage are part of our garden image collection.