California Gardens - The Year Round Gardening Site

Salvia dorisiana * Peach Sage, Fruit Scented Sage

Salvia dorisiana is a tropical looking and smelling sage. The Fruit Scented Sage has the fragrance of a fresh fruit cocktail and leaves to make you believe you are in the jungle. Salvia dorisiana prefers light shade. The Peach Sage is remarkably cold hardy for a plant that looks this tropical. It made it through the low 20°s F at my house with no visible damage. You can expect the Peach Sage to get rather large 5 feet tall and 6-8 feet across as it is a little floppy. Fruit Scented Sage blooms from spring to fall almost continuously with large pink flowers. While Salvia dorisiana can withstand some remarkable drought it will look much better with a regular source of moisture. It made it a couple of years in sandy soil after being cut off from the irrigation system before finally succumbing during a Summer heat spell. Salvia dorisiana is a great addition to the butterfly garden as well as the hummingbird garden.

Salvia dorisiana

Flowers and foliage of Salvia dorisiana, Peach Sage, or Fruit Scented Sage.