California Gardens - The Year Round Gardening Site

Salvia coahuilensis * Coahuila Sage

Salvia coahuilensis grows 2-2.5 feet tall and 3-4 feet wide. The Coahuila Sage is native to the Mountains of Mexico south of the border from Texas. Salvia coahuilensis puts on an extraordinary show of purple flowers in the Spring and continues blooming with only slightly reduced enthusiasm through the heat of the Summer. Flowering picks up again in the Fall, particularly if the Coahuila Sage is given a good trimming during the Summer. The branches are rather brittle, and the foliage quite fragrant. I trim the branches of Salvia coahuilensis that already flowered to the ground during the Winter. Salvia coahuilensis is a great nectar source for the Mournful Duskywing, Sara Orangetip, White Checkered Skipper, and the California Dogface Butterfly and is a nice addition to the Butterfly Garden. Salvia coahuilensis is Winter hardy into the mid to high teens.

Salvia coahuilensis, Coahuila Sage

Flowers and foliage of Salvia coahuilensis, Coahuila Sage. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.