California Gardens - The Year Round Gardening Site

Salvia canariensis * Canary Island Sage

Salvia canariensis is a big shrub. It gets to an easy 8' in diameter when conditions are good. When Salvia canariensis is at the peak of bloom there is nothing but color visible. Both the bloom and the calyx of Salvia canariensis are purple. This is a showy plant from a distance as well as from very close. The foliage is interesting as well. It has arrowhead shaped leaves that are pale green and a white wooly rachis and stems. For such tropical origins Salvia canariensis seems to be remarkably hardy. I have taken into the high teens and had no problems. The biggest difficulty I have had is keeping track of the seedlings in parts of the garden that are watered with sprayers. I would not plant this near a wild land as it might escape cultivation unless your garden is in one of the drier parts of the state. Salvia canariensis seems to be rather short-lived, 3 seasons at most. But there are always all of those seedlings ready to be replacements. Salvia canariensis is a good addition to the butterfly garden and to the hummingbird garden.

Salvia canariensis

High resolution photos of Salvia canariensis, the Canary Island Sage are part of our garden image collection.

Salvia canariensis, Canary Island Sage

High resolution photos of Salvia canariensis are part of our garden image collection.