California Gardens - The Year Round Gardening Site

Salvia blepharophylla * Eyelash Leaved Sage

Salvia blepharophylla is a long blooming perennial sage. The Eyelash Leaved Sage is quite brittle so it should not be grown in a high traffic environment. Salvia blepharophylla has 18-24" shoots that come up from a slowly spreading rhizomatous root zone. Salvia blepharophylla has grown well in full sun to fairly dense shade. Salvia blepharophylla is root hardy into the low 20°s F. The slender red flowers make Salvia blepharophylla a good addition to the hummingbird garden and the butterfly garden.

Salvia blepharophylla, Eyelash Leaved Sage

Flowers and foliage of Salvia blepharophylla, the Eyelash Leaved Sage. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.