California Gardens - The Year Round Gardening Site

Plain Yogurt Recipe

Plain Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the staples I like to keep in my fridge, but I use it so often the plastic containers from store bought yogurt start to add up. Making your own helps to reduce this waste.

It is surprisingly easy to make your own yogurt. It does require a bit of maintenance to keep the 'good' bacteria alive, but as long as you use it often and make a new batch regularly you shouldn't have a problem. Each batch will keep for about a week and a half.

Having a steady supply of plain yogurt around also means that you can make your own flavored yogurts and frozen yogurts.

5 cups whole milk
1/4 cup cultured yogurt

In a medium saucepan heat the milk over medium heat to 185°F. Transfer to a clean bowl and let cool to 110°F. Meanwhile, prepare your yogurt container. You want to find a flat, shallow container in order to maximize the surface area. Once you choose a container, place the 1/4 cup of yogurt in the container. Slowly pour the cooled milk over the yogurt, stirring until combined. Wrap the container in a clean kitchen towel and let sit in a warm place for 8-12 hours, or until set. Once set, store in the refrigerator.

I've found that it's easiest to make my yogurt when I have the oven on to bake something else. Setting the yogurt container next to the hot oven seems to be the best way to keep the temperature warm enough. Another option is to turn the oven on for just a few minutes and then to leave yogurt inside the oven to set.

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