Thunbergia alata - Black Eyed Susan Vine
Thunbergia alata prefers a warm place in the winter and will be damaged or killed with even a light frost. The Black Eyed Susan Vine is not nearly as aggressive nor as hardy as Thunbergia gregorii, but has much the same fuzzy wrinkled leaves and tendrils. The orange flowers look very striking due to the dark center and will be covered in bloom most of the year, excepting the depths of Winter. Thunbergia alata will perform well even in lightly shaded locations. In the banana belt portions of the inland valleys I prefer to plant Thunbergia alata against the house to take advantage of a little shared warmth. Colorful cultivars Thunbergia alata African Sunset and Thunbergia alata Lemon Star are often found at specialty nurseries.
Orange flowers with a near black throat stand out against green foliage - Thunbergia alata - Black Eyed Susan Vine. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
High resolution photos of are part of our garden image collection.