Sprekelia formosissima - Aztec Lily
Sprekelia formosissima is spectacular in the garden when showing off these 4-6 inch red flowers. The Aztec Lily is native to Mexico and Guatemala. In their native habitat Sprekelia formosissima bulbs grow on rocky outcrops. I have found ours to like some protection from the sun, at least partial shade. In our area they bloom in April and will periodically repeat through late September or October. Sprekelia fomosissima leaves grow to about 18 inches, the flower stalks to around a foot. Unfortunately the snails think the Aztec Lily to be a special treat. so finding an unblemished flower in the absence of treatment can be a challenge. Sprekelia formosissima bulbs have not all bloomed each year, though the bulbs offset pretty regularly and at least a few put out flowers each year. Aztec Lily plants are frost tender in the mid 20°s F.
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4' Red flower of Sprekelia formosissima - Aztec Lily. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
4' Red flower of Sprekelia formosissima - Aztec Lily. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.