Rafinesquia neomexicana - Desert Chicory, New Mexico Plumeseed
Rafinesquia neomexicana, the Desert Chicory is one of the common desert Spring wildflowers. The other common name for this plant is New Mexico Plumeseed, the seedhead is shown in the second photo. Rafinesquia neomexicana grows up to a foot tall or a little more on a good year. Plants often start in the protective shade of a shrub and reach out for the sun. Rafinesquia neomexicana has a spray of white flowers often supported by growing through the branches of a low shrub. Rafinesquia neomexicana is native to the Southern California deserts and through the Southwest. Scatter wildflower seeds with the first significant fall rain. Rafinesquia neomexicana is a fine addition to the Spring Butterfly Garden attracting the White Checkered Skipper, Northern White Skipper, Mormon Metalmark, Great Purple Hairstreak, and the Painted Lady Butterflies.
A grouping of White flowers of Rafinesquia neomexicana - Desert Chicory, New Mexico Plumeseed. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
White flower of Rafinesquia neomexicana - Desert Chicory, New Mexico Plumeseed. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plumed seedhead of Rafinesquia neomexicana - Desert Chicory, New Mexico Plumeseed.