Podranea ricasoliana - Port St. John's Creeper
Podranea ricasoliana is a vigorous vine. Aren't they all? The foliage is lost in the mid 20°s F but the plants will come back from the roots as if there were no inconvenience, tolerating temperatures in the teen's and probably below. Podranea ricasoliana blooms with pink flowers in the late Summer and Fall when little else is happening. Podranea ricasoliana can stretch 30 feet and more. Port St. John's Creeper is prone to rooting when it hits the ground and roots that see sun grow new plants. The creeper part of the common name is telling us something. Podranea ricasoliana is not a plant for the timid gardener. With a little extra attention to keep Port St. John's Creeper in check it is well worth the trouble. The flowers are 1" across and the late show is spectacular. Podranea ricasoliana is native to the West coast of South Africa.
Pink flowers of Podranea ricasoliana entwined in a fence - Port St. John's Creeper. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Pink striped flowers of Podranea ricasoliana - Port St. John's Creeper.