Physostegia virginiana - Obedient Plant
Physostegia virginiana is most valued for its Fall bloom time. Obedient Plants is so named because the pink flowers can be arranged and will yield to twisting and bending. This is a valued trait for those that like to arrange flowers. Physostegia virginiana can be invasive in wet climates but will only gradually advance in our California gardens. Obedient Plant will grow to 18" tall. Plants will rebloom if the leading cluster of flowers is removed once it has finished blooming. I cut Obedient Plants to the ground after their season is done. Usually this is shortly after Thanksgiving in our gardens. Physostegia virginiana is native to the Eastern United States. Obedient Plant will be hardy for any degree of cold likely to be found in a garden here. Plants are tolerant of clay soils.
Pink Flowers of Physostegia virginiana - Obedient Plant. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.