Pennisetum setaceum rubrum - Red Fountain Grass
Pennisetum setaceum rubrum is a garden favorite. The Red Fountain Grass mixes very well with gray plants. Here it is planted with Westringia and Helichrysum petiolare. I cut the Red Fountain Grass each winter nearly to the ground. This removes the dead material that can detract from the plants and provides a fresh appearance. I often see Pennisetum setaceum rubrum planted in locations that are too small for the plant. The Red Fountain Grass can get 5 feet tall and wide. Red Fountain Grass is hardy into the mid-twenties. I have had problems with the species Pennisetum setaceum, Fountain Grass becoming a weed in too many settings. Pennisetum setaceum is on many a noxious weed list. But the cultivated Red Fountain Grass is not nearly so fertile. One of the most effective plantings that I have seen is a mass planting of the Red Fountain Grass in a windy location. The Red Fountain Grass can provide a lot of movement in the landscape.
Dark red foliage of Pennisetum setaceum rubrum - Red Fountain Grass in a garden setting. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
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