Panicum virgatum Heavy Metal - Heavy Metal Switch Grass
Panicum virgatum Heavy Metal is a striking plant in the garden for every season. In the Spring Heavy Metal Switch Grass come up with a blue cast on the leaves, followed by pink pannicles during the Summer months. The plants will take on a coppery hue in the Fall and Winter. Panicum virgatum Heavy Metal is native to the midwest and a part of the tall grass prarie. Panicum virgatum Heavy Metal prefers moist soil but will tolerate dry conditions. Heavy Metal Switch Grass grows in full sun to light shade, too much shade and the plants will flop. Panicum virgatum Heavy Metal grows to 4 feet tall and slowly spreads by underground rhizomes. Panicum virgatum Heavy Metal does not come true for foliage color from seed. Cut plants nearly to the ground before the new seasons growth starts.
Blue grey foliage and pink pannicles Panicum virgatum Heavy Metal - Heavy Metal Switch Grass. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.