Opuntia basilaris var basilaris - Beavertail Pricklypear Cactus
Opuntia basilaris var. basilaris is a low growing cactus rarely getting much more than a foot tall. The Beavertail Pricklypear Cacuts is native to the deserts and lower mountain elevations of the Southwest. Opuntia basilaris grows best in well drained soils. The Bearvertail Pricklypear Cactus prefers full sun but will tolerate partial shade when bigger plants try to take the stage. Opuntia basilaris puts on a great show of magenta purple flowers from Spring into early Summer, followed by edible fruit. The variety basilaris has smaller spines. Opuntia basilaris is Winter hardy into the low teens. Opuntia basilaris will do its best in the garden with a drying out period between irrigation cycles.
Budding flower of Opuntia basilaris basilaris - Beavertail Pricklypear Cactus. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.