Oenothera fremontii Shimmer - Shimmer Sundrop, Fremont Evening Primrose
Oenothera fremontii Shimmer has finely textured silvery green leaves and large yellow flowers. The Shimmer Sundrop blooms from Spring through Fall and even winter for warmer or frost free gardens. The Fremont Evening Primrose is native to the central plains. Oenothera fremontii Shimmer grows to less than a foot tall and up to two feet wide.Oenothera fremontii Shimmer prefers good drainage and is fairly drought tolerant, though some water is necissary to keep plants going in the Summer. Oenothera fremontii Shimmer has fragrant flowers, the fragrance is stronger in the evening. Oenothera fremontii Shimmer is winter hardy to 10°F. This plant is sometimes listed as Oenothera macrocarpa ssp fremontii. For a more vigorous relative check out the Ozark Sundrop, Oenothera missouriensis.
Yellow flower of Oenothera fremontii Shimmer - Shimmer Evening Primrose, Freemont Evening Primrose. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Other plants from the genus Oenothera featured on this site:
Oenothera cespitosa
Oenothera elata hookeri
Oenothera missouriensis
Oenothera speciosa