Limonium minutum - Dwarf Statice
Limonium minutum is one of the best groundcovers I use. It self sows but not so much as to become a pest. Limonium minutum is quite drought tolerant, surviving inland vally gardens even when the water doesn't reach. This is not surprising Limonium minutum is native to the South of France, a climate a lot like ours. Limonium minutum grows in full sun to light shade. Limonium minutum will grow shoulder to shoulder almost completely covering the ground. Limonium minutum foliage grows to 6" tall and the blue flowers in clusters a few inches more. I have not lost plants to cold. Our coldest temperatures in that part of the garden were in the high teens °F.
Tiny blue flowers of Limonium minutum - Dwarf Statice. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Other plants from the genus Limonium featured on this site:
Limonium perezii