Ixia polystachya - African Corn Lily
Ixia polystachya has been dependable in gardens with reasonable drainage and warmer Winter temperatures. This clump has been blooming each year for the last 20. Ixia polystachya tends to tip and may require some support. I planted a small shrub over the top of the bulbs to support the foliage. These bulbs will tolerate some Summer water but tend to do best with little or no Summer help. Ixia polystachya blooms mid-Spring in our area. The white flowers with purple centers are only open during the brightest part of the day. Ixia polystachya has been Winter hardy into the mid to upper 20°s F.
More Bulbs for a California Garden
White flowers with purple centers of Ixia polystachya - African Corn Lily. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.