Fragaria Pink Panda - Pink Panda Strawberry
Fragaria Pink Panda provides a dense groundcover for mixed plantings. The Pink Panda Strawberry will grow in full sun through moderate shade. Individual plants are 3-4" tall and up to 8" wide, but runners abound and the Pink Panda Strawberry spreads nicely. The berries are perfectly edible, though I have not found them particularly special Fragaria Pink Panda is grown as an ornamenal, edible fruit is a fortunate byproduct. Fragaria Pink Panda spreads at a moderate rate and can be kept out of other plants without too much effort. The Pink Panda Strawberry blooms Spring and Summer and may even have a few pink flowers left over for the Fall. Fragaria Pink Panda prefers regular water and is Winter hardy to 0° F.
Pink flowes amidst foliage of Fragaria Pink Panda - Pink Panda Strawberry. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Other plants from the Fragaria Genus featured on this site:
Fragaria Pineapple Crush