Chitalpa Pink Dawn
Chitalpa Pink Dawn is the result of a cross between a Catalpa and a Chilopsis linearis (Desert Willow). The pink flowers are spectacular and last much of the Spring. Chitalpa Pink Dawn goes deciduous and is later than most to put on the new leaves and flowers. Chitalpa Pink Dawn is a great small tree, topping out at the 20-30 foot range, and fairly easily pruned smaller. Chitalpa Pink Dawn is quite hardy, well beyond anything that we have seen here. That is not surprising with it's parents cold hardiness. Our Chitalpa Pink Dawn has withstood winter frost in the low teens. I like that the leaves are small enough to fall through the shrubbery below.
Flowers and foliage of Chitalpa Pink Dawn. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
High resolution photos of are part of our garden image collection
Aspect shot of Chitalpa Pink Dawn.
Flowers of Chitalpa Pink Dawn.