Calendula officinalis Zeolights - Pot Marigold
Calendula Zeolights is a variety of Pot Marigold that has a bit of pink tint in the yellow flowers. The pigment is concentrated in the tips of the petals making these flowers quite striking. Calendula officinalis grows readily from seed in California coastal gardens often blooming nearly year round. Blooming peters out in the Summer months if the plants are not trimmed back so they will renew. I do this in phases to keep something blooming all the time. Calendula Zeolights has edible and medicinal flowers. Plants grow in full sun to light shade. Calendula Zeolights is a nectar source for many butterflies including the Painted Lady, Hedgerow Hairstreak, Great Purple Hairstreak, and Gray Hairstreak Butterflies and deserves a place in the butterfly garden, As with many plants that thrive from seed care should be taken when planting Calendula Zeolights in areas that it might escape into the wild. In coastal gardens and in near coastal valleys plants often survive in areas that are not irrigated though they may look pretty scrappy when things get hot. Plant when there is no danger of frost. Plants may overwinter in frost free gardens.
Flowers and foliage of Calendula Zeolights Pot Marigold. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.