Babiana Night Vision - Baboon Flower
Babiana Night Vision is easy to naturalize in a California garden. Baboon Flowers have hairy ridged green leaves. Plants grow to a little more than a foot tall. Babiana Night Vision can be spread by seed or by scattering the small offset bulbs. Larger bulbs should be planted within an inch of the surface of the soil, pointy side up. Babiana Night Vision will offset new bulbs from within the foliage as the foliage dries. So dont be too hasty when cleaning up the dieing foliage. The purple flowers of Babiana Night Vision are fragrant. Babiana Night Vision blooms from mid Winter into Spring in our gardens. Babiana Night Vision is quite drought tolerant but will tolerate regular water as well. Babiana Night Vision does well in a high shade area or in full sun near the coast. Babiana Night Vision is hardy into the mid teens.
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Fragrant purple flowers of Babiana Night Vision - Baboon Flower. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.