Asteriscus maritimus * Sea Daisy, Sea Aster
Asteriscus maritimus forms a low mound up to a foot tall that is almost always covered in yellow blooms. The Sea Daisy can get as much as 3 feet across but is more often closer to 2 feet. The Sea Daisy can be found as a compact cultivar, Asteriscus maritimus Compact Gold Coin, or Gold Coin Daisy. Asteriscus maritimus is hardy to 15 degrees. I have found the Sea Daisy to be very drought tolerant, though when tested, by mid summer there are very few flowers and the foliage is pretty tired looking. Asteriscus maritimus looks best in our area with bi-monthly irrigation or even weekly irrigation in hotter inland gardens. The yellow flowers are approximately 1" in diameter and almost always blooming.
Asteriscus maritimus is a great addition to the Butterfly Garden where it attracts the Dwarf Yellow Sulfur, Painted Lady, Mormon Metalmark, California Common Ringlet, Great Purple Hairstreak, Hedgerow Hairstreak, and Gray Hairstreak Butterflies.
Flowers and foliage of Asteriscus maritimus the Sea Daisy. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.