Artemisia pycnocephala 'David's Choice' * Sandhill Sage
The Sandhill Sage could be the softest plant in the world. At least it looks like it should be. Artemisia pycnocephala is a native of the coastal dunes and bluffs in California. The Sandhill Sage grows best in the cool air near the coast where it is native, but will tolerate the inland heat if given some regular but infrequent Summer irrigation. The flower spikes quickly become unsightly as the flowers open, so I cut them off early. Sadly, Artemisia david's choice is a favorite of the pocket gophers. It is best to solve the gopher problem before planting or use baskets. I had one gopher come in from the bottom of a plant in my yard, eat this Artemisia roots, leaves and all. There was just a ring of leaflets about 1.5 inches from the hole that were beyond the bravery of the gopher reach. I use the Sandhill Sage frequently in the siler and gray garden. Artemisia David's Choice gets about 6" tall and up to 2 feet wide.
Flowers and foliage of Artemisia pycnocephala David's Choice the Sandhill Sage.