Aptenia Red Apple - Baby Sun Rose
Aptenia Red Apple forms a dense mat. The Baby Sun Rose can block out all but the most tenacious weeds. Aptenia Red Apple grows easily from cuttings. I plant the Baby Sun Rose Cuttings on a six in grid. Individual Aptenia Red Apple plants can grow 2-3 feet. They will climb a chain link fence and will swallow other plants in their path. Hard water can make Aptenia Red Apple turn pale and slow its growth. When planted amongst other plants it will require some work to keep it in check. At times Aptenia Red Apple can drown out all of the weeds. Aptenia Red Apple comes with white flowers and not so much a red as a hot pink flower. Aptenia Red Apple is hardy down to 20° F before showing damage. In the wrong place Aptenia Red Apple is a lot of work. In the right spot it can save a lot of work.
Flowers and foliage of Aptenia Red Apple the Baby Sun Rose. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.