Salvia Mystic Spires Blue - Dwarf Indigo Spires Sage
Salvia Mystic Spires Blue is a dwarf version of the long time favorite Indigo Spires Sage. Salvia Mystic Spires Blue is less likely to flop than Indigo Spires, but still does best when the blue flowered spikes are regularly trimmed off. Salvia Mystic Spires Blue will grow and bloom nicely in full sun to moderate shade. The Dwarf Indigo Spires Sage is not picky about soils but starts to droop if conditions become too dry. I give Salvia Mystic Spires Blue a severe trimming in the Winter to renew the plants. Salvia Mystic Spires Blue is Winter hardy well into the single digits.
Flowers and foliage of Salvia Mystic Spires, Dwarf Indigo Spires Sage. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Flowers and foliage of Salvia Mystic Spires Blue, Dwarf Indigo Spires Sage. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.