Salvia discolor * Andean Silver Leaf Sage
Salvia discolor is a dry growing plant, a perfect fit for the drought tolerant garden. The Andean Silver Leaf Sage is native to Peru. I have rotted the roots off Salvia discolor in several gardens by putting it into too wet of an irrigation zone. The contrast of the almost black dark purple flowers and the white calyxes is astounding. The stems are a little floppy and very sticky. Salvia discolor should be planted back from a pathway so the gunk does not get onto apparel and stems don't get broken. None of the Andean Silver Leaf Sage plants have been damaged by cold in my gardens yet and I have grown them where it got as low as 20° F. I have had difficulty locating Salvia discolor in nurseries with any regularity so it is always a pleasant find when I do. The Andean Silver Leaf Sage is great for its cut flowers. Salvia discolor is a good choice for the hummingbird garden as well as the butterfly garden.
Flowers and foliage of Salvia discolor, the Andean Silver Leaf Sage. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Almost black flowers of Salvia discolor, the Andean Silver Leaf Sage. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.